Huddle Meeting
Being Coach-able

Welcome (greetings and announcements)
• Open in Prayer

Warm-Up (icebreaker, games, skit)
Play Mingle, Mingle, Mingle

Workout (Bible studies, devotionals, testimonials)

Large Group Time
• Read Acts 18:23-28
• Apollos was part of the Christian team. He had great talent. He was smart, spoke well in front of a crowd and brought energy to all who heard him. Yet when he first started teaching about Jesus, he only knew one story, about John’s baptism of Jesus, so that was all he could teach about. 
• When Priscilla and Aquila heard him speak, they realized he didn’t know the whole story. Rather than ridicule, they took time to teach him. Apollos was humble, listened and was willing to grow and learn.
• After his training, Apollo went to a new place to teach and was a great benefit.
• As an athlete, you have some talent, but you must be willing to coached. As Christians, we all begin with some talent too, but we need to be willing to be coached to develop and grow.

Small Group Time (6-8 students per group)
• What are talented at? 
• Are you ‘coach-able’? What in each of these areas has a coach taught you to make you a better athlete and asset to your team?
o Fundamental skills
o Mental game
o Spiritual
• We are the ‘Fellowship of Christian Athletes’. As a Christian, what are your talented at? How are you developing this talent?
• Do you have a mentor? If so, how has he/she coached you? If not, write down the names of a couple people you think would be a good Christian mentor, someone you trust to be honest with you in their support and advice. 
• How will you ask them to coach you? When will you ask? Set a deadline.

Wrap-Up (closing comments)
• We should all try to learn from Apollos. Find a mentor to learn from, then get ready… because you can learn to be a ‘great benefit’.
• Read Jeremiah 29:11-13. God gave you talents. Use your talents for His glory. He has a plan for you. Listen, learn, be coach-able and support one another.

Close in Prayer

How To Play Mingle Mingle Mingle
This is a good youth group game to get kids mingling together and to help kids to get to know one another better. It might provide good conversation starters for kids later on.

Get the whole group together. The leader running the game calls out a category question (for example - what is your favorite color?). Everyone in the group would then have to start calling out their favorite color to each other and find the others in the group who have the same favorite color as them.

When a player finds another player who has the same answer as them they then join together (by linking arms) and continue to go round the group looking for more people with the same answer. After a minute or so (completely up to the leader running the game) the leader can call "STOP". Each group needs to call out their answer. If there are two people/groups who have the same answer but are not linked together then they are eliminated from the next round. Or alternatively, to keep everyone involved, you can give each kid five wrapped lollies or pop sticks to start with and if they lose one each time this happens. 

Be creative with the questions you ask:
- Favorite pizza topping
- Favorite ice cream flavor
- Favorite TV show
- Favorite band
- Favorite book of the Bible

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