If you're ready to begin a Huddle on your campus, please take the following simple steps -
1. Pray - Ask the Lord to prepare your FCA start up.
2. Contact your local area rep - Find your local area rep by clicking
as they will be able to give you a better understanding of the campus ministry and answer any questions you may have.
3. Seek the Administration's blessing - FCA should be student-initiated and student-led. Students should meet with school administrators to obtain approval and provide them with information regarding the FCA ministry.
4. Complete the paperwork - The following form will need to be completed by an adult sponsor/coach before your huddle can be certified:
Ministry Leader Application
5. Identify student leaders and coaches - Select students and coaches who are Christians and are most likely to be leaders and volunteer their time.
6. Surround yourself with volunteers - Adult ministries are designed to support the FCA. These adults can meet together, raise funds and assist in activities.
7. Hold an organizational session - Host a meeting with those who are interested in leading FCA to discuss a possible meeting schedule and what FCA might look like on your campus.
8. Review the available resources -NE Indiana provides a Huddle Playbook, FCA Athlete's Bible and CORE devotions to Certified Huddles each year. Visit
FCA Huddle Tools for a more comprehensive list of FCA resources.
9. Develop your Leadership Team - Invite your FCA staff to hold a Student Leadership Training once you have a team in place. They will better equip you to discover the many resources FCA provides, provide a framework for an actual meeting and help to create a vision for the impact that FCA can have on your campus.
10. Invite students to your Huddle - Continue to surround your huddle in prayer and seek out the Lord as your school year gets underway.